Lose Weight Permanently the Vegetarian Way – 4 Lifestyle Categories That Will Absolutely Work!

Learning the importance of living rather than “D-I-E ting” can save your life. This is another in the series of learning to become a Vegetarian and eating to live. As we all learn to eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts our health will improve and our Medical needs diminish.

There are vegetarians and there are vegetarians. In this article I will discuss a key point I made in my previous article, Do I become a “vegan” overnight or gradually. It’s up to you to decide. Personality will play a key role. Make a plan and identify how you will transition. Once you are a vegan you will become the healthiest you’ve been in your life!

My recommendation is that your goal is to become a “pure” vegan. I will discuss what that means below. There are categories of vegetarian lifestyles and each will help in your transition from meat-eater and Standard-American-Dieter (SAD) to vegan. Here I will teach you four categories of vegetarian to help you determine the category you fall in and then determine how to go from that category to a pure “vegan”.

Some people claim to be vegetarians when really they’ve just cut back on their animal products consumption. This is the “beginner” vegetarian. On the other end of the scale, the “expert or pure” vegan eat no animal protein at all, or anything produced by animals – including milk, eggs, cheese, dairy, poultry, fish and honey. So where do you fit in? The first thing to do when approaching the vegetarian lifestyle is determine exactly what kind of vegetarian you are. Your goal for optimal health will be to become the “expert/pure” vegan. But keep in mind even a “beginner” vegetarian will improve their health as they eat less and less animal products.

There are four main vegetarian categories, although you can read articles about many others:

  1. Beginner Vegetarian: The beginner vegetarian is someone who has recognized the importance of reducing their intake of meat, poultry, dairy and fish products. They have heard of the vegetarian lifestyle but don’t really understand it. So, they say to themselves, friends and family, “I am going to become a vegetarian so I won’t eat as much meat, fish, dairy or poultry”. Although not a vegetarian in the true sense, they are at least thinking about becoming one.
  2. Lacto Ovo (Intermediate) vegetarian: A lacto ovo vegetarian eats mostly plant foods. They also eat eggs and dairy products including yogurt, milk, cheese and ice cream. This is the first step most people take when they switch to a vegetarian diet. It’s very easy to be a lacto ovo vegetarian because it fulfills their nutritional requirements and still tastes good. The mistake most new vegetarians make is that they think they can’t give up the old tastes they are familiar with. But as your food choices change so do your taste buds and the adaptations is easy over a very short time. Covering things with cheese might seem to be a viable crutch for the lacto ovo to get flavor but it also adds lots of lousy, very unhealthy fat! It’s also not far off from the Standard American Diet (SAD) since there are always restaurant choices – including fast food options -no matter where they are or who they’re with. A lacto ovo can usually find something to eat.
  3. Lacto (Advanced) vegetarian: Lacto vegetarians eat no animal protein or eggs. They do, however consume dairy products. Not avoiding dairy entirely makes cooking less challenging. Lacto vegetarians don’t eat eggs because, as ovum, they’re potentially animals or they choose not to eat eggs because they’re uncomfortable with egg farming practices. Lacto’s are a step beyond the Lacto-Ovo because they illuminated eggs, which is a good thing, but they are still limiting how healthy they could become if they just went a step further!
  4. Pure vegetarian (Expert ) or vegan: Expert or Pure vegans avoid all animal proteins and animal by-products (no meat, fish, poultry and dairy). This is the best form of vegetarian lifestyle as vegans get all of their nutrition from grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds. They will reap the optimal health benefits the fastest. Evidence of this fact has been scientifically proven in books such as L. Colin Campbell’s “The China Study” and John Robbins’ “Healthy at 100″. Vegans are expert at avoiding all commercially produced foods that contain animal proteins – most breads are made with eggs, for example, and many nondairy products are thickened with casein, a protein extracted from milk. Even vegetarian “burgers” often contain eggs! Despite the challenges, the vegan diet is steadily growing in popularity in recent years since more vegetarians have become savvy label-readers and vegan-friendly food companies have created more products for them.

Finally there are “Pesco-Pollo” vegetarians who avoid red meat but eat poultry and fish; “Pesco” vegetarians who don’t eat poultry, beef or pork but they do eat fish; even the humorous “Lacto-Ovo-Pesco-Pollo-Carne” vegetarians who claims he didn’t fight his way to the top of the food chain to be vegetarian, obviously he is going to remain a die hard carnivore. But statistically, he will succeed in dying very young of coronary heart disease, diabetes, kidney failure or any other of the many health related illnesses due to high animal based protein (SAD) diets!

Once you’ve discovered which of these vegetarian lifestyles you currently are, labeling your lifestyle is less important than figuring out how to transition from a meat-based SAD diet to a pure vegetarian (vegan) one for all the health benefits.

Plan Your Lifestyle, Then Business

It is impossible to separate the lifestyle we lead from other areas of our lives. The jobs we do, the business we have, and where we live all affect the quality of life. I honestly believe that to build a successful business you have to envision the lifestyle you desire to have first. For example, it does not make sense for me to start a fishing business when I hate fish. Regardless of how much money I make, I will hate every second of the process. Wealth is not only measured in terms of money but the fullness of life we enjoy as a result.Lifestyle design or lifestyle entrepreneurship is designing your business around the lifestyle you want. Lifestyle design is something that became important to me when I had my first child. I knew I did not want to spend hours working away from my children but at the same time I needed to provide for them. I was determined my children were not going to spend countless hours in daycare and as a result I negotiated with my boss to design my job in such a way where I can still spend quality time with my baby. Even though I did not have an official terminology for it then, I never based my decision on taking a job based on money alone. The job had to be flexible enough to grant me the lifestyle I desired.Now fast forward fifteen years later, I treat my business with the same mindset. I was not afraid to do away with all the traditional norms of starting a business and building a business that will afford me the lifestyle I love. I have been truly blessed all through this process.Planning a lifestyle businessFirstly – specific and measurable goals
If you throw a penny up, it will come down: One truth we cannot escape is that we will most likely end up in the direction we are heading. We cannot meet the goals we set for ourselves unless we aim for them. So if you want to design a business that accommodates your desired lifestyle, you have to become very specific. In other words, you need specific and measureable goals.For instance, rather than saying, “I want to lose weight” say “I want to lose 10 pounds in 3 months”. Having specific and measurable goals can translate in any area of life. If your lifestyle goal is to spend your winters somewhere warm then you need to incorporate that preference in your business. You will need to think of a way to structure your business where:
You make enough money to afford the lifestyle

Your business is mobile/ flexible enough where leaving your permanent residence for a whole season will not disrupt cash flow.
If you do not take your preferences into consideration, what ends up happening is you grow a business you learn to hate and you find yourself stuck in a hamsters wheel. Planning a lifestyle business is less complicated than people make it.Secondly, identify what you need to know and learn
In the case of losing 10 pounds in 3 months, you would need to know how to lose 10 pounds in 3 months. When you have clear specific goals, then knowing what you need to know will come quite easy.Thirdly, write some actionable steps you can take to get started
Once you know what you need to know, you need to write some actionable steps on how to gather the information you need. To lose 10 pounds in 3 months, you can do the following:
Buy a book on how to loose 10pounds in 3 months and do it yourself

Research online for some practical steps on losing 10 pounds in 3 months

Hire a personal trainer

Join a gym
Your actionable steps should be written in such a way where it takes you one step further than you are today. You do not need to know how to get to the end line but each action should lead you to the next one which eventually takes you to the end line. For instance if you were totally clueless, you can hire a personal trainer to take you through the process. When you hire an expert, you get the advantage of having someone help you to the finish line faster than you can do on your own.We often have a mental picture of what we will like to achieve. But until we write down our goals and create a system for measuring our progress we are likely not to take action.Lastly, ask yourself, “Am I willing to pay the price?
This is a hard question: I hear men talk about wanting a close family, but they aren’t willing to place their family ahead of their career or hobbies. Someone says they want to advance in their career, but they aren’t willing to gain the education necessary. Achieving success at anything requires a certain level of sacrifice. Some people may want to attain the level, but they aren’t willing to invest what is required to get there. At some point you will have to determine if you are ready to make the required sacrifice.After you figure out what is required of you, you need to ask yourself if you are willing to pay the price. Do not start unless you honestly answer this question or you will never finish. Don’t answer this question too quickly but spend some time wrestling with this question and be truthful to yourself. If you do decide to pay the price, share your goal with someone who can keep you accountable.To achieve anything in life, you need to do things differently. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result each time.